Monday, January 2, 2023


 The leopard stairs are soft and furry
The whiskers tickle your toes as you climb
Softly purring, almost asleep
We hope they don’t awake

The spider stairs are sticky and flimsy
They’re always hidden in dark corners
Waiting for you to come closer
You never know if you will make it home

The eagle stairs are loud and hard
Dangerously high and perilous
They soar and glide in the thermals
Watch out for when they dive

The shark stairs are pointy and raspy
They wend sinuously through the deep
Hunting you or something like you
Best to avoid these stairs

The elephant stairs are long and memorable
Gentle, warm wrinkles of repeated journeys
Slow moving but attentive
Caring of kin who climb them

The human stairs are geometric and boring
Symmetrical and repeating
No fun nor joy in them
We are stuck with the mundane

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